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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19919
This Months Entries: 10
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squiz (6 entries)
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squiz (Stoke Factor: 21 )
maker (Stoke Factor: 13 )

Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: hamptonw

Member#: 7315
Registered: 22-01-2008
Diary Entries: 61

28th June 2008
Windsurfing: Camber Sands
Wind Direction: SW'ly
Wind Stength: 2
Surf / Sea State: Big Shore Break
Air Temperature: 15
Sea Temperature: 15
Weather: Misty then sunny
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Got up at a frankly insane 4am and headed down to Camber to meet Ed, who had been there for an hour already! Farted about for a while waiting for the wind to come up, drinking coffee and chatting, then rigged up. Went out on my 7.0, and failed to even get off the beach. Instead, I got rinsed in the shorebreak and managed to snap 2 battens in my Tush T-bird. Bummer! There was not enough wind to get out on my 5.8, so Ed and I just ended up going swimming for an hour in the waves, then headed home for a couple of hours kip before the party in the afternoon. This session only gets 2 stars because it was nice swimming in the sea at dawn!
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